Finally thought of a further resolution to the ending!! :) I added the stairs to signify more of struggle to finding the outdoors, as it presents itself in the form of an obstacle.
So I decided the last shot would be of the first shot - Quolger sleeping. It seemed the most natural ending for the story and I feel the ending is much more resolved now. It also symbolises finding peace, so he goes to sleep and his life ceases. I want it to be ambiguous in the animation showing a mix between falling asleep and dying in peaceful way. The panel shows him smiling but I'd like this expression to relax and mouth to open.
Quite happy with the storyboard as a whole, there are a few shots that I could probably improve upon but I really just wanted to give a sense of the story. I'll be working out the details when I shoot - want to give myself quite a bit of freedom. I may add more shots of just things in the environment, like a light on the ceiling, corners of the room, etc.
For the sound I'm thinking something quite ambient. I've been playing around with some sound effects I've recorded, slowing down the waves to create a sound bed. Not sure if i can replicate exactly what's in my head but I will continue to develop the sound and then I can combine it with the storyboards to create the animatic!